Core Wiccan Documents/Doctrines/Chants

The following is a compilation of the major Wiccan Doctrines and Documents, along with some wonderful poetry, and some other interesting item, with as little narration as possible. In producing this page, I have found that there are numerous inconsistences related to stanza breaks, capitalizations, etc., related to some of the chants/poems between sites where a particular document has been found. Wicca, unlike many religions, relies less on written doctrine then on practice and belief. So, rather than agonizing over these inconsistencies, I have utilized the grammar usage that makes the most sense to me.

The richness and variation of the these documents never ceases to move me. The use of language in Wicca, and other faith paths, has such power that I feel a deeper connection to the God and the Goddess in every word read.

This blog page does not have hyperlink capability, so here is a list of documents in the order they appear below, NOT alphabetically:

Army Chaplain's Handbook Definition of Wicca
Wiccan Principles and Beliefs
The Wiccan Rede (Full Version)
The Wiccan Rede (Short Version)
The Threefold Law of Return
The Charge of the Goddess (Traditional)
The Charge of the Goddess (Adapted)
The Charge of the God
The Lady’s Prayer
The Witches’ Creed
Song of the Goddess
The Charge of the Crone
The Charge of the Dark Goddess (Version I)
The Charge of the Dark Goddess (Version II)
My Dark Mother
Triple Goddess Invocation
In Honor of Most Lovely One, Goddess Hekate
Simple Chant of Protection
Thirteen Goals of a Witch
The Witches’ Rune
The Eightfold Path of Wicca (Version I)
The Eightfold Path of Wicca (Version II)
The Original Eightfold Path – Buddhism
Witches’ Reed of Chivalry
Before Time Was
The Great Rite Invocation (Actual)
The Great Rite Invocation (Symbolic)
Drawing Down the Moon
Full Moon (Esbats) Rites
Equinox Chant
Goddess Bless
Remember These Things
The Four Rules of a Magician


Army Chaplain's Handbook describes Wicca, an officially sanctioned religion as follows:

“Wiccans worship the sacred as immanent in Nature, often personified as Mother Earth and Father Sky. As polytheists, they may use many other names for Deity. Individuals will often choose Goddesses or Gods from any of the world's pantheons whose stories are particularly inspiring and use those Deities as a focus for personal devotions. Similarly, covens will use particular Deity names as a group focus, and the groups often hold these secret.

It is very important to be aware that Wiccans do not in any way worship or believe in 'Satan,' 'the Devil,' or any similar entities. They point out that "Satan" is a symbol of rebellion against and inversion of the Christian and Jewish traditions. Wiccans do not revile the Bible. They simply regard it as one among many of the world's mythic systems, less applicable than some to their core values, but still deserving just as much respect as any of the others.

Most Wiccan groups also practice magic, by which they mean the direction and use of 'psychic energy,' those natural but invisible forces which surround all living things. Some members spell the word 'magick,' to distinguish it from sleight of hand entertainment.

Wiccans employ such means as dance, chant, creative visualization and hypnosis to focus and direct psychic energy for the purpose of healing, protecting and aiding members in various endeavors. Such assistance is also extended to nonmembers upon request.

Many, but not all, Wiccans believe in reincarnation. Some take this as a literal description of what happens to people when they die. For others, it is a symbolic model that helps them deal with the cycles and changes within this life. Neither Reincarnation nor any other literal belief can be used as a test of an individual's validity as a member of the Old Religion.

Most groups have a handwritten collection of rituals and lore, known as a Book of Shadows. Part of the religious education of a new member will be to hand copy this book for him or herself. Over they years, as inspiration provides, new material will be added. Normally, access to these books is limited to the initiated members of the religion.”


Wiccan Principles and Beliefs

In 1974 one group of American Witches meeting in Minneapolis adopted the following group of principles. These principles are not required of anyone, but they do reflect the thinking of many modern Pagan Witches whether in the United States or elsewhere:

We practice rites to attune ourselves with the natural rhythm of life forces marked by the phases of the moon and the seasonal Quarters and Cross Quarters.

We recognize that our intelligence gives us a unique responsibility toward our environment. We seek to live in harmony with Nature, in ecological balance offering fulfillment to life and consciousness within an evolutionary concept.

We acknowledge a depth of power far greater than that apparent to the average person. Because it is far greater than ordinary it is sometimes called supernatural, but we see it as lying within that which is naturally potential to all.

We conceive of the Creative Power in the universe as manifesting through polarity – as masculine and feminine – and that this same Creative Power lies in all people, and functions through the interaction of the masculine and feminine. We value neither above the other, knowing each to be supportive to the other.

We value sex as pleasure, as the symbol and embodiment of life, and as one of the sources of energies used in magical practice and religious worship.

We recognize both outer worlds and inner, or psychological, worlds sometimes known as the Spiritual World, the Collective unconscious, Inner Planes, etc., and we see in the interactive of these two dimensions the basis for paranormal phenomena and magickal exercises. We neglect neither dimension for the other, seeing both as necessary for our fulfillment.

We do not recognize any authoritarian hierarchy, but do honor those who teach, respect those who share their greater knowledge and wisdom, and acknowledge those who have courageously given of themselves in leadership.

We see religion, magick, and wisdom in living as being united in the way one views the world and lives within it – a world view and philosophy of life which we identify as Witchcraft – the Wiccan Way.

Calling oneself “Witch” does not make a Witch – but neither does heredity itself, nor the collecting of titles, degrees and initiations. A Witch seeks to control the forces within her/himself that make life possible in order to live wisely and well without harm to others and in harmony with Nature.

We believe in the affirmation and fulfillment of life in a continuation of evolution and development of consciousness giving meaning to the Universe we know and our personal role within it.

Our only animosity towards Christianity, or towards any other religion or philosophy of life, is to the extent that its institutions have claimed to be "the only way" and have sought to deny freedom to others and to suppress other ways of religious practice and belief.

As American Witches, we are not threatened by debates on the history of the Craft, the origins of various terms, the legitimacy of various aspects of different traditions. We are concerned with our present and our future.

We do not accept the concept of absolute evil, nor do we worship any entity known as Satan or the Devil, as defined by the Christian tradition. We do not seek power through the sufferings of others, nor accept that personal benefit can be derived only by denial to another.

We believe that we should seek within nature that which is contributory to our health and well being.


The Wiccan Rede (Full Version)

Bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust.
Live you must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give.

For tread the Circle thrice about to keep unwelcome spirits out.
To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be said in rhyme.

Light of eye and soft of touch, speak you little, listen much.
Honor the Old Ones in deed and name, let love and light be our guides again.

Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the joyful tune.
Widdershins go when the moon doth wane, and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane.

When the Lady's moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two.
When the moon rides at Her peak then your heart's desire seek.

Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail.
When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.

When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss you on the mouth.
When the wind whispers from the West, all hearts will find peace and rest.

Nine woods in the Cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow.
Birch in the fire goes to represent what the Lady knows.

Oak in the forest towers with might, in the fire it brings the God's insight.
Rowan is a tree of power causing life and magick to flower.

Willows at the waterside stand ready to help us to the Summerland.
Hawthorn is burned to purify and to draw faerie to your eye.

Hazel-the tree of wisdom and learning adds its strength to the bright fire burning.
White are the flowers of Apple tree that brings us fruits of fertility.

Grapes grow upon the vine giving us both joy and wine.
Fir does mark the evergreen to represent immortality seen.

Elder is the Lady's tree burn it not or cursed you'll be.
Four times the Major Sabbats mark in the light and in the dark.

As the old year starts to wane the new begins, it's now Samhain.
When the time for Imbolc shows watch for flowers through the snows.

When the wheel begins to turn soon the Beltane fires will burn.
As the wheel turns to Lamas night power is brought to magick rite.

Four times the Minor Sabbats fall use the Sun to mark them all.
When the wheel has turned to Yule light the log the Horned One rules.

In the spring, when night equals day time for Ostara to come our way.
When the Sun has reached it's height time for Oak and Holly to fight.

Harvesting comes to one and all when the Autumn Equinox does fall.
Heed the flower, bush, and tree by the Lady blessed you'll be.

Where the rippling waters go cast a stone, the truth you'll know.
When you have and hold a need, harken not to others greed.

With a fool no season spend or be counted as his friend.
Merry Meet and Merry Part, bright the cheeks and warm the heart.

Mind the Three-fold Laws you should,
Three times bad, and three times good.

When misfortune is enow wear the star upon your brow.
Be true in love this you must do unless your love is false to you.

These Eight words the Rede fulfill: “An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will,”
Blessed Be to Thee.


The Wiccan Rede (Short Version)

Bide ye the Wiccan Rede ye must,
In perfect love and perfect Trust.
Eight words the Wiccan Rede fulfill
An’ it harm done, do as ye will
Lest in self defense it be,
Ever mind the Rule of Three
Follow ye this with mind and heart,
Merry ye meet, and merry ye part.


The Threefold Law of Return

Ever Mind The Rule Of Three,
Three Times Your Acts Return To Thee.
This Lesson Well, Thou Must Learn,
Thou Only Gets What Thee Dost Earn.


The Charge of the Goddess (Traditional)
by Doreen Valiente

[Note: Doreen Valiente: (1922-1999), born Doreen Edith Dominy, became one of the first of Wicca founder Gerald B. Gardner’s initiates, and eventually his High Priestess. In that role she was able to influence many of the writings that became the bedrock for modern Witchcraft. Her most well-known writing is, “The Charge of the Goddess,” which is still widely used by many covens/groves and Solitary Practitioners today.]

Now listen to the words of the Great Mother,
who was of old also called among men Artemis, Astarte, Athene, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Dana, Arianrhod, Isis, Bride, and by many other names. At her altars, the youth of Lacedaemon in Sparta made due sacrifice.

Whenever ye have need of any thing,
once in the month,
and better it be when the moon is full,
then shall ye assemble in some secret place, and adore the spirit of me,
who am Queen of all witches.

There shall ye assemble, ye who are fain to learn all sorcery,
yet have not won its deepest secrets;
to these will I teach things that are as yet unknown.
And ye shall be free from slavery;
and as a sign that ye be really free,
ye shall be naked in your rites;
and ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love, all in my praise.

For mine is the ecstasy of the spirit,
and mine also is joy on earth;
for my law is love unto all beings.
Keep pure your highest ideal;
strive ever towards it, let naught stop you or turn you aside;
for mine is the secret door which opens upon the land of youth,
and mine is the cup of wine of life,
and the cauldron of Cerridwen,
which is the Holy Grail of immortality.

I am the gracious Goddess,
who gives the gift of joy unto the heart of man.
Upon earth, I give the knowledge of the spirit eternal;
and beyond death, I give peace, and freedom,
and reunion with those who have gone before.

Nor do I demand sacrifice;
for behold, I am the Mother of all living,
and my love is poured out upon the earth.

Hear ye the words of the Star Goddess;
she in the dust of whose feet are the hosts of heaven,
whose body encircles the universe.

I who am the beauty
of the green earth and the white moon upon
the mysteries of the waters,
I call upon your soul to arise and come unto me.

For I am the soul of nature
that gives life to the universe.
From me all things proceed and unto me
they must return.

Let My worship be in the
heart that rejoices, for behold,
all acts of love and pleasure
are My rituals.

Let there be beauty and strength,
power and compassion,
honor and humility,
mirth and reverence within you.

And you who seek to know me,
know that the seeking and yearning
will avail you not,
unless you know the Mystery:
for if that which you seek,
you find not within yourself,
you will never find it without.

For behold,
I have been with you from the beginning,
and I am that which is attained
at the end of desire.


The Charge of the Goddess (Adapted)

Listen to the words of the Great Mother, Who of old was called Artemis, Astarte, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Diana, Arionrhod, Brigid, and by many other names.

Whenever you have need of anything, once a month, and better it be when the moon is full, you shall assemble in some secret place and adore the spirit of Me Who is Queen of all the Wise.

You shall be free from slavery, and as a sign that you be free you shall be naked in your rites. Sing, feast, dance, make music and love, all in My Presence, for Mine is the ecstasy of the spirit and Mine also is joy on Earth.

For My law is love is unto all beings. Mine is the secret that opens the door of youth, and Mine is the cup of wine of life that is the cauldron of Cerridwen, that is the Holy Grail of Immortality.

I give the knowledge of the spirit eternal, and beyond death I give peace and freedom and reunion with those that have gone before.

Nor do I demand aught of sacrifice, for behold, I am the Mother of all things and My love is poured out upon the earth.

Hear the words of the Star Goddess, the dust of Whose feet are the hosts of Heaven, whose body encircles the universe:

I Who am the beauty of the green earth and the white moon among the stars and the mysteries of the waters,

I call upon your soul to arise and come unto me.

For I am the soul of nature that gives life to the universe.

From Me all things proceed and unto Me they must return.

Let My worship be in the heart that rejoices, for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are My rituals. Let there be beauty and strength, power and compassion, honor and humility, mirth and reverence within you.

And you who seek to know Me, know that the seeking and yearning will avail you not, unless you know the Mystery: for if that which you seek, you find not within yourself, you will never find it without.

For behold, I have been with you from the beginning, and I am That which is attained at the end of desire.


The Charge of the God

Listen to the words of the Horned God,
The Guardian of all things wild and free,
and Keeper of the Gates of Death, whose Call all must answer:

I am the fire within your heart...The yearning of your Soul. I am the Hunter of Knowledge and the Seeker of the Holy Quest; I who stand in the darkness of light; I am He whom you have called Death. I am the Consort and Mate of Her we adore, call forth to me.

Heed my call beloved ones, come unto me and learn the secrets of death and peace. I am the corn at harvest and the fruit on the trees. I am He who leads you home. Scourge and Flame, Blade and Blood these are mine and gifts to thee.

Call unto me in the forest wild and on hilltop bare and seek me in the Darkness Bright. I who have been called; Pan, Herne, Osiris, and Hades, speak to thee in thy search. Come dance and sing; come live and smile, for behold: this is my worship.

You are my children and I am thy Father. On swift night wings it is I who lay you at the Mother's feet to be reborn and to return again.

Thou who thinks to seek me, know that I am the untamed wind, the fury of storm and passion in your Soul. Seek me with pride and humility, but seek me best with love and strength.

For this is my path, and I love not the weak and fearful. Hear my call on long Winter nights and we shall stand together guarding Her Earth as She sleeps.


The Lady’s Prayer

The Earth is my Mother.
I shall not want.
Her hand brings forth the green pastures.
She tarries within the still waters.
She leads me in fields of fruitfulness for my Glory.
Yea, as I walk through the summer of life unto death,
I will not be afraid, for You are with me.
Your womb in the earth will enfold me.
You prepare a harvest before me and bless my home (with or without children.)
You fill me with milk and honey.
My cup overflows.
Surely, goodness and beauty will nurture me all the days of my life,
and I will become part of the earth forever.


The Witches’ Creed
By Doreen Valiente, 1978 Witchcraft for Tomorrow

Hear now the words of the witches,
The secrets we hid in the night,
When dark was our destiny’s pathway,
That now we bring forth into the light.

Mysterious water and fire,
The earth and the wide-ranging air.
By hidden quintessence we know them,
And will and keep silent and dare.

The birth and rebirth of all nature,
The passing of winter and spring,
We share with the life universal,
Rejoice in the Magickal ring.

Four times in the year the Great Sabbat Returns,
And the witches are seen,
At Lammas and Candlemas dancing,
On May Even and old Hallowe’en.

When day-time and night-time are equal,
When sun is at greatest and least,
The four Lesser Sabbats are summoned,
Again witches gather in feast.

Thirteen silver moons in a year are,
Thirteen is the coven’s array,
Thirteen times at Esbat make merry,
For each golden year and a day.

The power was passed down the ages,
Each time between woman and man,
Each century unto the other,
Ere time and the ages began.

When drawn is the Magickal circle,
By sword or Athame or power,
Its compass between the two worlds lies,
In Land of the Shades for that hour.

This world has no right then to know it,
And world of beyond will tell naught,
The oldest of Gods are invoked there,
The Great Work of Magick is wrought.

For two are the mystical pillars,
That stand at the gate of the shrine,
And two are the powers of nature,
The forms and the forces divine.

The dark and the light in succession,
The opposites each unto each,
Shown forth as a God and a Goddess:
Of this did our ancestors teach.

By night he’s the wild wind’s rider,
The Horn’d One, the Lord of the Shades.
By day he’s the King of the Woodland,
The dweller in green forest glades.

She is youthful and old as she pleases,
She sails the torn clouds in her barque,
The bright silver Lady of midnight,
The crone who weaves spells in the dark.

The master and mistress of Magick,
They dwell in the deeps of the mind,
Immortal and ever-renewing,
With power to free or to bind.

So drink the good wine to the old Gods,
And dance and make love in their praise,
’Till Elphame’s fair land shall receive us,
In peace at the end of our days.

And Do What You Will be the challenge,
So be it in love that harms none,
For this is the only commandment.
By Magick of old be it done!


Song of the Goddess
Author Unknown

I am the Great Mother, worshiped by all creation and existent prior to their consciousness.
I am the primal female force, boundless and eternal.

I am the chaste Goddess of the Moon, the Lady of all magic.
The winds and moving leaves sing my name.
I wear the crescent Moon upon my brow and my feet rest among the starry heavens.
I am mysteries yet unsolved, a path newly set upon.
I am a field untouched by the plow.
Rejoice in me and know the fullness of youth.

I am the blessed Mother, the gracious Lady of the harvest.
I am clothed in the deep, cool wonder of the Earth and the gold of the fields heavy with grain.
By me the tides of the Earth are ruled; all things come to fruition according to my season.
I am refuge and healing.
I am the life giving Mother, wondrously fertile.

I am the Crone, tender of the unbroken cycle of death and rebirth.
I am the wheel, the shadow of the Moon.
I rule the tides of the oceans and of women and men.
I give release and renewal to weary souls.

I am the Goddess of the Moon, the Earth, the Seas.
My names are many, yet know that by all names I am the same.
I pour forth insight, peace, wisdom and understanding.
I am the eternal Maiden, Mother of all, and Crone of reckoning,
and I send you blessings of limitless love.


The Charge of the Crone

I am the Queen of Magick,
And the dark of the Moon hidden in the deepest night.
I am the mystery of the Otherworlds,
And the fear that coils about your heart in the times of your trials.
I am the soul of Nature that gives form to the universe;
It is I who awaits you at the end of the spiral dance.

Most ancient among gods and mortals,
Let my worship be within the heart that has truly tasted life,
For behold, all acts of magick and art are my pleasure,
And my greatest ritual is love itself.

Therefore let there be beauty in your strength,
Compassion in your wrath, power in your humility,
And discipline balanced through mirth and reverence.

You who seek to remove my veil and behold my true face,
Know that all your questing and efforts are for nothing,
And all your lust and desires shall avail you not at all.

For unless you know my mystery,
Look wherever you will, it will elude you,
For it's within you and nowhere else.

For behold, I have ever been with you, from the very beginning.
The comforting hand that nurtured you in the dawn of life,
And the loving embrace that awaits you at the end of each life.

For I am that which is attained at the end of the dance,
And I am the womb of new beginnings,
As yet unimagined and unknown.


The Charge of the Dark Goddess (Version I)

Listen to the words of the Dark Mother, who of old was called among mortals:
Hekate, Lilith, Morrigan, Kali, Durga, Ariahnhod, Erishkigal, Sekhmet, and by many other names.

Whenever you seek wisdom, at the time of the Darkening Moon, come together in love and trust and learn of Me, who is the Wisest of Crones...

You who search the mysteries of the Earth, the secrets of Air and Darkness, of Blood and Fire, the silence of the uttermost stars, come unto Me, and I shall whisper to you in the depths of midnight.

You shall approach Me in silence, and as a sign that you are free from fear, your heart you shall bare to My blade...for fear has no place in My mysteries, and that which you seek of Me will destroy you if you fear it.

For I am the entrance to the catacombs, beyond which stretches the mysteries of infinity. I am the silence before birth and after death. I am the clouded mirror in which you scry your own soul. I am mist in the twilight, the vast and starry sky of midnight, the shadows on the Moon.

All things come to Me in the end, and yet I am the beginning of all. I meet you at the crossroads, I lead you through the darkness. It is My hand you grasp in the passage between the worlds. To those that toy with Me, I am an instrument of self-destruction. Yet to the true seeker do I bring knowledge beyond mortal comprehension.

Of you shall I demand the utter truth of all that you are, and in return shall I give you all that you may be, all that I am. For My wisdom is beyond the Ages, and knowledge of My Secrets is power over self, over fear, over death.

Nor do I demand aught of you which you cannot give. For I am the Mother of Mysteries, and as you know Me, so shall you learn to know yourself.

Hear ye now the words of the Crone: I who am the Queen of magick and the Dark of the Moon, hidden in the deepest night. I am the Womb that birthed the world and all creation. I am the Wild Magess, the Sorceress who cannot be ruled, the Weaver of the Rune, the Mistress of Time, the Teacher of Mysteries and Keeper of Secrets.

I am the soul of nature that gives form to the universe; it is I from who’s womb your life sprang and who has been at your side since the day you came to be; And it is I who's loving embrace awaits you at the end of the Spiral Dance.

Most ancient among gods and mortals, let My worship be within the heart that has truly tasted life, for behold all acts of magick and art are My pleasure, and My greatest ritual is love itself. Therefore let there be beauty in your strength; compassion in your wrath; humility in your power; honor in your mirth; and reverence for all within your soul.

You who seek to remove My veil and behold My true face, know that all your questing and efforts are for nothing, and all your lust and desires shall avail you not at all. For unless you know My mystery, look wherever you will, it will elude you – for it is within you and nowhere else. For behold, I have been with you since the dawn of time, and I am that which is attained when the last of your fear is released.


The Charge of the Dark Goddess (Version II)

The Dark Goddess speaks to us,
through the mouths of Lilith, Kali, Tiamet, Hekate,
Nix, the Black Madonna, Nemesis and Morgaine.

I am the Darkness behind and beneath the shadows.
I am the absence of air that awaits at the bottom of every breath.
I am the Ending before Life begins again,
the Decay that fertilizes the Living.
I am the Bottomless Pit,
the never-ending struggle to reclaim that which is denied.
I am the Key that unlocks every Door.
I am the Glory of Discovery,
for I am that which is hidden, secluded and forbidden.

Come to me at the Dark Moon and see that which can not be seen,
face the terror that is yours alone.
Swim to me through the blackest oceans
to the center of your greatest fears —
the Dark God and I will keep you safe.
Scream to us in terror, and yours will be the Power to Forbear.
Think of me when you feel pleasure, and I will intensify it,
until the time when I may have the greatest pleasure
of meeting you at the Crossroads Between the Worlds.


My Dark Mother

By power of the moon at night,
Grant to me my inner sight.
By power of the restless storm,
Let my desire now take form.

By power of the solid earth,
Bless my home and my turf.
By power of the deep blue sea,
Let my desire come to me.

By power of the ancient land,
Guide me with your unseen hand.
By power of the sacred fire’s flay,
I give you my heart, Dearest Hekate.

By midnight moon and midday sun,
My heart belongs to you, great one.
Hear my call, let me be seen,
Each night within my sacred dream.

I call to you Dark Goddess of Old,
My heart is yours to shape and mold.
Help me through each Crossroads hour,
Let me feel your awesome power.

With a humble heart I ask Thee,
Glorious Goddess, May Blessed Be!


Triple Goddess Invocation

Lady of the morning
Maiden full of grace
Remind me of my courage
Hail and welcome be.

Lady of the moon
Mother round and full
Remind me of my creative spark
Hail and welcome be.

Lady of the dark
Crone the teacher still
Remind me of my wisdom
Hail and welcome be.

Lady of the dark
Crone the teacher still
Remind me of my wisdom
Hail and welcome be.


In Honor of Most Lovely One, Goddess Hekate

Quiet is the night,
Dark is the Moon,

I ask Hekate, the Crone,
To take Her throne.

Sleep, sister, sleep,
Be not alarmed,

For the Great Goddess,
Keeps you from harm.

Quiet is the night,
Dark is the Moon,

I ask Hekate, the Crone,
To take Her throne.

Sleep, brother sleep,
Be not alarmed,

For the Great Goddess,
Holds you in her arms.

Quiet is the night,
Dark is the Moon.

We honor Hekate the Crone,
Who has taken Her throne.


Simple Chant of Protection

Trace the sign of the Pentagram (right hand to left side up to forehead, over to right side, then across to left side, back across to right side, then up and around to make circle over the five-sided pentagram just traced) three times over your face then repeat:

May the Circle never be broken,
May the Earth always be whole,
May the rattle ever be shaken,
May the Goddess live in my Soul.


Thirteen Goals of a Witch

01 Know yourself.
02 Know your craft.
03 Learn.
04 Apply knowledge with wisdom.
05 Achieve balance.
06 Keep your words in good order.
07 Keep your thoughts in good order.
08 Celebrate life!
09 Attune with the cycles of the earth.
10 Breathe and eat correctly.
11 Exercise the body.
12 Meditate.
13 Honor the God and Goddess.


The Witches’ Rune
By Doreen Valiente

Darksome night and shining moon
Hearken to the Witches' Rune.
East and South, West and North
Hear me now, I call thee forth.
By all the powers of land and sea
Be obedient unto me.
Wand and pentacle, cup and sword
Hearken ye unto my word.
Cord and censor, totem and knife
Waken ye all into life.
By all the powers of the Witches' blade
Come ye now as the charge is made.
Queen of Heaven, Queen of Hell
Send your aid unto my spell.
Horned Hunter of the Night
Work my will by magick rite.
By all the powers of Land and Sea
As I will, so mote it be.
By all the might of moon and sun
As I say, it shall be done.


The Eightfold Path of Wicca (Version I)
Exerpt – The Grimoire of Lady Sheba

The First Path: Intention and concentration of intent. Mental imagery or visualization. Meditation.
The Second Path: Rising upon the Planes using the many trance states, better known today as "altered states of consciousness." Projection of the astral body.
The Third Path: The keys, rites, rituals, chants, spell casting, runes, charms, amulets, talismans, the magickal link.
The Fourth Path: Ritual wines, beverages, cakes, incense.
The Fifth Path: The dances and kindred practices to raise the fiery cone of power.
The Sixth Path: Warricking, breath control and kindred practices.
The Seventh Path: The Ancient Rite of scourging to purify.
The Eighth Path: The Great Rite. The physical and spiritual union of male and female to create life.


The Eightfold Path of Wicca (Version II)
Unknown Author

The 'Eight-Fold Path' is recognized in many esoteric paths with certain variations. They constitute the many ways of raising energy that are incorporated into the ritual magick performed by a witch, and represent the eight-spoked wheel upon which Wicca turns.

01 Mental Discipline: Powerful energies can be raised through the mind using meditation and trance. Visualization can help apply the pure will of the mind over matter. By developing mental abilities, Wiccans tap into energies that have always been available but of which they may not have been aware. Visualization is one of the most important aspects of magical work. By stimulating all five senses, Wiccans can empower the art of visualization to raise energy and transform it to new heights. Visualizations should be practiced regularly. Mental discipline is also gained through fasting over short periods of time, and physical discipline. Ritual knowledge is also a vital aspect of mental discipline. Knowledge helps provide the keys needed to become attuned to the practitioner’s higher selves and beyond. Knowledge and understanding is also required to work successfully with enchantments, spells, symbols and charms.
02 The Power of Speech: Speech is used in ritual to help strengthen the visualization and thereby increase the power of will. Chants can help focus the mind and raise energy by themselves by penetrating the veil between the worlds. When using speech during a ritual, speak clearly, with feeling and confidence.
03 The Controlled Use of Drugs: The controlled use of drugs is something that seems to have played a part in most of the nature-based religions from all over the planet. Shamans from many cultures used hallucinogens to focus the mind and to aid the process of shape-shifting. Cannabis has also been used for centuries in magical work, as have several other natural substances readily available including magick mushrooms. Wine, beer, incense, essential oils and herbs are also considered drugs in this definition (incense stimulates the olfactory glands in the nose). I cannot and do not advocate the use of, or experimentation with, any illegal or illicit substance.
04 Dance: Dance is another way of raising energy, which is particularly useful in a circle situation. There are many dances that have become associated with the particular rites within Wicca. Dances often start slowly and build up tempo to a crescendo. This is associated with raising the Cone of Power especially in full Circle work.
05 Offerings to the Gods: In the past, many blood offerings were presented to the gods as sacrifices. Again, I cannot and do not advocate continuing this practice, and it is not generally accepted by modern witchcraft. Today, it is common to offer bread, wine, incense and crystals. Through offerings, practitioners give back something of value to the gods to thank them for what they have provided. Offerings often consist of something that have personal value to the giver and are offered as a symbolic sacrifice to show respect, and to strengthen the connection with the goddesses, the gods and nature spirits.
06 The Scourge/ Purification: The scourge is used in some forms of Wicca to beat energy into an object or to purify an individual through mildly inflicted pain. Flagellation is a common form of ritual purification found in many cultures and religions, including a long past-history in Catholicism. Once again, I cannot and do not advocate or condone any form of physical scourging of self or others. However, ritual purification of the body is important. The body and its aura should be cleansed prior to performing any magick rite. Salt and incense are commonly used to symbolically cleanse the aura, as well as the area where magick will be performed. Purification prior to working with the God and Goddess is a matter of respect for the practitioner and towards deity.
07 Sex: The sexual act of a man and a woman is regarded as the sacred merging of the two great powers of masculine and feminine. It can be a most powerful way of raising energy within a ritual situation when performed with reverence and focus. The sexual act stimulates energy to be raised from the base chakra to the crown. When this is done with partners of the opposite gender then (because their chakras work in harmony) the energy raised is balanced between male and female as with the God and Goddess. It is entirely possible to raise energies in a similar way without sexual intercourse, for those who have experience and are reasonably adept, but actual intercourse (or the sexual act between those of the same gender) who understand what is to be achieved, can be a powerful magickal act.
08 Psychic Development: Psychic development, dream control and other astral work is something that should develop through the training of a Wiccan if such abilities are not already developed before they begin to study. When working ritual magick, a practitioner is working between the worlds with the gods, the goddesses, and spirits of the elemental planes, etc. It is therefore necessary to develop skills to become adept at working with these entities.


The Original Eightfold Path – Buddhism

Guatama Buddha lived sometime between 580 and 460 b.c. He taught his followers the eightfold path then.

01 Right view
02 Right intention

Ethical Conduct
03 Right speech
04 Right action
05 Right livelihood

Mental Discipline
06 Right effort
07 Right mindfulness
08 Right concentration


Witches’ Reed of Chivalry
Author Unknown

Insofar as the Craft of the Wise is the most ancient and most honorable creed of humankind, it behooves all who are Witches to act in ways that give respect to the Old Gods, to their sisters and brothers of the Craft, and to themselves. Therefore, be it noted that:
01 Chivalry is a high code of honour which is of most ancient Celtic Pagan origin, and must be lived by all who follow the Old ways.
02 It must be kenned that thoughts and intent put forth on this Middle-Earth will wax strong in other worlds beyond, and return...bringing into creation, on this world, that which had been sent forth. Thus one should exercise discipline, for "as ye sow, so shall ye reap."
03 It is only by preparing our minds to be as Gods that we can ultimately attain godhead.
04 "This above thine own self be true...."
05 A Witch's word must have the validity of a signed and witnessed oath. Thus, give thy word sparingly, but adhere to it like iron.
06 Refrain from speaking ill of others, for not all truths of the matter may be known.
07 Pass not unverified words about another, for hearsay is, in large part, a thing of falsehoods.
08 Be thou honest with others, and have them known that honesty is likewise expected of them.
09 The fury of the moment plays folly with the truth; to keep one's head is a virtue.
10 Contemplate always the consequences of thine acts upon others. Strive not to harm another.
11 Though there may be differences between those of the Old Ways, diverse covens and circles may well have diverse views. These views, even if they are different than yours, should always be given respect. When a coven, circle, clan, or grove is visited or joined, one should discern quietly their practices, and abide thereby.
12 Dignity, a gracious manner, and a good humour are much to be admired.
13 As a Witch, thou hast power, and thy powers wax strongly as wisdom increases. Therefore exercise discretion in the use thereof.
14 Courage and honour endure forever. Their echoes remain when the mountains have crumbled to dust.
15 Pledge friendship and fealty to those who so warrant. Strengthen others of the Brethren and they shall strengthen thee.
16 Thou shalt not reveal the secrets of another Witch or another Coven. Others have laboured long and hard for them, and cherish them as treasures.
17 Those who follow the mysteries should be above reproach in the eyes of the world, and should always seek to make this so.
18 The laws of the land should be obeyed whenever possible and within reason, for in the main they have been chosen with wisdom for the well-being of all.
19 Have pride in thyself, and seek perfection in body and in mind. For the Lady hath said, "How canst thou honour another unless thou give honour to thyself firstly?"
20 Those who seek the Mysteries should consider themselves as select of the Gods, for it is they who lead the race of humankind to the highest of thrones and beyond to the very stars.


Before Time Was
By Scott Cunningham, The Standing Stones Book of Shadows

Before time was, there was The One;
The One was all, and all was The One.

And the vast expanse known as the universe was The One,
all wise, all pervading, all powerful, eternally changing.

And space moved. The One molded energy into twin forms,
equal but opposite, fashioning the Goddess and God
from The One and of The One.

The Goddess and God stretched and gave thanks to The One,
but darkness surrounded them.
They were alone, solitary save for The One.

So they formed energy into gases and gases into suns
and planets and moons; They sprinkled the universe with whirling
globes and so all was given shape by the hands of the Goddess and God.

Light arose and the sky was illuminated by a billion suns.
The Goddess and God, satisfied by their works,
rejoiced and loved, and were one.

From their union sprang the seeds of all life,
and the human race so that we might achieve incarnation upon the Earth.

The Goddess chose the Moon as her symbol,
and the God the Sun as his to remind the inhabitants of Earth of their creators.

All are born, live, die and are reborn beneath the Moon and Sun;
All things come to pass thereunder, and all occurs
with the blessings of The One, the Goddess and God,
as has been the way of existence since before time was.


The Great Rite

It is important to add a note by way of explanation. The Great Rite is often used as an initiation for new coven/grove members. In it’s original form, it has been the most controversial of all modern rites because it involves actual sex between the High Priest and High Priestess to conclude the celebration.

I have included it in full below, then a “symbolic” version afterward that omits the sexual behavior entirely. It is not up to me to promote one version and denounce the other. It is my intent only to provide as accurate account of the rituals as possible.

The Great Rite Invocation (Actual)

Preparation: the chalice should be filled with wine. A veil of at least a yard square is needed preferably of a Goddess color such as blue, green, silver, or white.

The Coven, except for the High Priestess and High Priest, arrange themselves around the perimeter of the circle, man and woman alternately as far as possible, facing the center.

The High Priestess and High Priest stand facing each other in the center of the circle, she with her back to the altar, he with his back to the South.

The High Priest kneels before the High Priestess and gives her the Fivefold Kiss; that is, he kisses her on both feet, both knees, womb, both breasts, and the lips, starting with the right of each pair. He says, as he does this:

Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee in these ways.
Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar.
Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be.
Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty.
Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names.

For the kiss on the lips, they embrace, length-to-length, with their feet touching each other’s. When he reaches the womb, she spreads her arms wide, and the same after the kiss on the lips.

The High Priestess then lays herself down, face upwards, with her arms and legs outstretched to form the Pentagram.

The High Priest fetches the veil and spreads it over the High Priestess's body, covering her from breasts to knees. He then kneels facing her, with his knees between her feet.

The High Priest delivers the invocation:

Assist me to erect the ancient altar, at which in days past all worshipped;
The altar of all things.
For in old time, Woman was the altar.
Thus was the altar made and placed,
And the sacred place was the point within the center of the Circle.
As we have of old been taught that the point within the center is the origin of all things,
Therefore should we adore it;
Therefore whom we adore we also invoke.
O Circle of Stars,
Whereof our father is but the younger brother,
Marvel beyond imagination, soul of infinite space,
Before whom time is ashamed, the mind bewildered, and the understanding dark,
Not unto thee may we attain unless thine image be love.
Therefore by seed and stem, root and bud,
And leaf and flower and fruit do we invoke thee,
O Queen of Space, O Jewel of Light,
Continuous on of the heavens;
Let it be ever thus
That men speak not of thee as One, but as None;
And let them not speak of thee at all, since thou art continuous.
For thou art the point within the Circle, which we adore;
The point of life, without which we would not be.
And in this way truly are erected the holy twin pillars;
In beauty and strength were they erected
To the wonder and glory of all men.

The (symbolic) Maiden fetches her athame from the altar and ritually opens a gate way in the Circle. The Coven file through and leave the room. The Maiden is the last one through and reseals the Circle. The High Priest removes the veil from the High Priestess’ body.

The High Priestess rises and kneels facing the High Priest. The High Priest continues the invocation:

Altar of mysteries manifold,
The sacred Circle's secret point
Thus do I sign thee as of old,
With kisses of my lips anoint.

The High Priest kisses the High Priestess on the lips, and continues:

Open for me the secret way,
The pathway of intelligence,
Beyond the gates of night and day,
Beyond the bounds of time and sense.
Behold the mystery aright
The five true points of fellowship
Here where Lance and Grail unite,
And feet, and knees, and breast, and lip.

The High Priest and High Priestess now have intercourse. This is a private matter between them and none of the Coven can question them about it. When they are done, one of them ritually opens the Circle and calls the rest of the Coven. When they are back in the Circle, it is again sealed. The wine is now consecrated.

A male witch kneels in front of the altar before a female witch. He holds up a chalice of wine and she holds her athame point down and lowers the athame into the wine. The man says:

As the athame is to the male, so the cup is to the female; and conjoined, they become one in truth.

The woman lays down her athame on the altar and kisses the man who remains kneeling and she accepts the chalice from him. She sips the wine, kisses him again and he sips, rises, and gives it to another woman with a kiss. The chalice is passed around the Coven, man to woman, with a kiss each time, until the entire Coven has sipped the wine. The chalice can be refilled and any one can drink from it without repeating the ritual once the chalice has gone around once.

To consecrate the cakes, the woman picks up her athame, and the man, kneeling before her, holds up the dish. The woman draws the Invoking Pentacle of Earth in the air above the plate while the man says:

O Queen most secret, bless this food into our bodies; bestowing health, wealth, strength, joy and peace, and that fulfillment of love that is perfect happiness.

The woman lays down her athame and passes the cakes to the man with a kiss, he passes them back with a kiss, and they are passed around the Coven the same way the wine was. Be sure to save some of the wine and some cake for an offering to the Earth and the Little Folk. After the meeting, leave the offering outside of the house if working indoors, or behind in the woods or field, when you leave if you are working outdoors.


The Great Rite Invocation (Symbolic)

Assist me to erect the ancient altar
At which in days past all worshiped
The great altar of all things
For in times of old, woman was the altar
Thus was the altar made and placed
And the sacred place was the point within the center of the circle
As we have of old been taught
That the point within the center is the origin of all things
Therefore should we adore it
Therefore whom we adore we also invoke
O circle of stars
Whereof our Father is but the younger brother
Marvel beyond imagination, soul of infinite space
Before whom time is ashamed
The mind bewildered, and the understanding dark
Not unto thee may we attain unless thine image be love
Therefore by seed and root, and stem and bud
And leaf and flower and fruit, do we invoke thee
O Queen of Space, O Jewel of Light
Continuous One of the Heavens
Let it be ever thus
That man speak not of thee as One, but as None
And let them not speak of thee at all
Since thou art continuous
For thou art the point within the Circle, which we adore
The point of life without which we would not be
And in this way truly are erected the holy pillars
In beauty and in strength were they erected
To the wonder and glory of all men
Altar of mysteries manifold, the sacred circle’s secret point
Thus do I sign thee as old, with kisses of my lips anoint
Open for me the secret way, the pathway of intelligence
Beyond the gates of night and day, beyond the bounds of time and sense
Beyond the mysteries aright, the five true points of fellowship
Here where the Lance and Grail unite
And feet, and knees, and breast, and lip.


Drawing Down the Moon

In this Full-Moon ritual the Goddess becomes incarnate in the High Priestess. The High Priestess stands in front of the altar with her back to it. She holds the wand in her right hand and the scrounge in her left. She crosses her wrists and crosses the wand and scrounge above them while holding them close to her breast. The High Priest stands in front of her and says:

Diana, queen of night
In all your beauty bright,
Shine on us here,
And with your silver beam
Unlock the gates of dream;
Rise bright and clear.
On Earth and sky and sea,
Your magic mystery
Its spell shall cast,
Wherever leaf may grow,
Wherever tide may flow,
Till all be past.
O secret queen of power,
At this enchanted hour
We ask your boon.
May fortune’s favor fall
Upon true witches all,
O Lady Moon!

The High Priest kneels before the High Priestess and gives her the Five Fold Kiss; that is, he kisses her on both feet, both knees, womb, both breasts, and the lips, starting with the right of each pair. He says, as he does this:

Blessed be thy feet, that have brought thee in these ways.
Blessed be thy knees, that shall kneel at the sacred altar.
Blessed be thy womb, without which we would not be.
Blessed be thy breasts, formed in beauty.
Blessed be thy lips, that shall utter the Sacred Names.

For the kiss on the lips, they embrace, length to length, with their feet touching each others. When he reaches the womb, she spreads her arms wide, and the same after the kiss on the lips. The High Priest kneels again and invokes:

I invoke thee and call upon thee, Mighty Mother of us all,
bringer of all fruitfulness; by seed and root,
by bud and stem, by leaf and flower and fruit,
by life and love do I invoke thee to descend upon the body of this,
thy servant and priestess.

During this invocation he touches her with his right forefinger on her right breast, left breast, and womb, repeats the set and finally the right breast. Still kneeling, he spreads his arms out and down, with the palms forward and says:

Hail Aradia! From the Amalthean Horn
Pour forth thy store of love; I lowly bend
Before thee, I adore thee to the end,
With loving sacrifice thy shrine adore.
Thy foot is to my lip
(he kisses her right foot)
my prayer up borne
Upon the rising incense smoke; then spend
Thine ancient love, O Mighty One, descend
To aid me, who without thee am forlorn.

The High Priest stands up and steps backwards. The High Priestess draws the Invoking Pentagram of Earth in the air with the wand, her arms raised out from her sides and says:

Of the Mother darksome and divine
Mine the scrounge, and mine the kiss;
The five point star of love and bliss
Here I charge you in this sign.

The High Priestess should be in a trance now. This is a good time to do the Charge or the Witches' Creed. When the Charge or Creed is finished, the Goddess must be dismissed. It is bad magical practice not to do so.

The High Priest faces the Priestess and says:

We thank you Our Lady for attending our rites. We bid you farewell till next we call you. Blessed Be.


Full Moon (Esbats) Rites
Scott Cunningham’s Full Moon Rite

Perform this ritual at night in view of the Full Moon if possible. If not, fill a cauldron with water and place a piece of silver in it.

Cast the circle and invoke the Goddess and God and anyone else you chose to invoke.

Gaze at the moon or your “moon” in your cauldron. Feel its cool Goddess energy wash you with power and love. Say these words:

Wondrous Lady of the Moon
You who greets the dark with silvered kisses
Mistress of the night and all Magicks,
who rides the clouds in blackened skies
and spills light upon cold Earth.

Oh Lunar Goddess
Crescent one
Shadow maker and shadow breaker,
Revealer of mysteries past and present,
Puller of seas and ruler of women

All-wise Lunar Mother
I greet your celestial jewel
at the waxing of its powers
with a rite in Your honor.

I prey by the moon
I prey by the moon
I prey by the moon.

Continue chanting “I prey by the moon” while visualizing the goddess.

Now is the time to work magick or meditation. Crystal scrying is particularly recommended (you can use the silver in the cauldron for this).

Enjoy a simple feast. Thank the Goddess and God and release the circle.


Equinox Chant

From life to death and back again
The wheel turns round and round
From loss to joy and love to pain
From fear to hope again.

From sacrifice to love’s reward
From hate to peace renewed
The balance here of light and dark
Will show our hearts the truth.


Goddess Bless

Crescented one of the starry skies,
Flowered one of the fertile plains,
Flowing one of the ocean sighs,
Blessed one of the gentle rain.

Goddess of all Witchcraft,
Enfold me – Hold me.

Hear my chant midst the standing stones,
Open my heart to your mystic light,
Waken me to your silver tones,
Be with me in my sacred rite!

Goddess of all Witchcraft,
Enfold me – Hold me.

May all the power of the stars above,
And all the wisdom of the earth below,
Bless me in this place and time,
And to my heart, true light bestow.

Goddess of all Witchcraft,
Enfold me – Hold me.

Nocturnal Goddess to you I seek,
To my heart I ask you speak,
This I will, So mote it be!
My love, my heart, belongs to thee!

Goddess of all Witchcraft,
Enfold me – Hold me.


Remember These Things

A Wiccan knows the nature and ways of her time.
A Wiccan knows what she knows, and should make no other claims.
A Wiccan seeks to harm none, but faced with the necessary choice between two ills, she will seek the lesser.
A Wiccan places wisdom first in life rather than love, for love without wisdom is hurtful, but always temper wisdom with love.
A Wiccan knows to seek not more than she needs and she shall ever have enough and even abound.
A Wiccan seeks to know two things, and these are: what she is, and what deity is, and if she comes to know the anser to either of these, she will know the other.
A Wiccan turns no one away seeking the ancient knowledge.
A Wiccan knows that she is one with all things and all things are one with her.
A Wiccan strives to overcome fear, of man, death, and other entities/things.
A Wiccan knows that all things work best when they are positive to all concerned. She also realizes the duality, for the negative is also part of the oneness. So seek balance - not stasis. You cannot build upon that which you refuse to recognize.
A Wiccan knows that there is an element of laughter in all things, no matter how negative they seem. Seek this out, for it is your protection against deviation of mind and will. It can neutralize and make clear the answer you need.


The Four Rules of a Magician
by Lady Bridget, © 1997

Also known as “The Four Cornerstones of Wicca,” or “The Witch’s Pyramid,” or “The Four Cornerstones of Magick” depending on the tradition and the teaching, but they all refer to the same four basic principles stated here: to know, to dare, to will and to be silent.

To know: To have the knowledge to do the work you have in mind. This means that you must have enough motivation to pursue learning all you can about the subject. You must also have imagination, for without that you will be simply redoing what others have already done. Remember that knowledge is power, and imagination is the use of that power.

To dare: The courage needed to do the work, including the courage to carry through to the end and to take all the consequences which will result. “Where lies your fear, there lies your greatest power.” Facing the fear, moving cautiously ahead, and determination to go forward in spite of the fear is the greatest courage known.

To will: The will is the desire which gives the work it’s impetus, without the will, nothing happens. The desire for the outcome of the magick is one of the main driving forces to make it so. If you only want something haphazardly, that is how you will get it. Develop faith in your own abilities, for your own self-doubts will destroy your work more certainly than anyone else’s can. A Witch makes magick manifest because she/he “says so.” “As I do will, so mote it be” means it happens because I say it does. This is my will, a very powerful tool indeed.

To be silent: This is the hardest part, especially for newer magi who wish to share their latest working with others. Never share what you are doing with anyone who may cast aspersions or doubts on your work. Remember “power shared is power lost” which is an injunction against loose lips telling all about their latest spell! Be careful with whom you share your secrets. The burning times may be past, but people are still human after all, and emotions such as fear, or jealousy, or envy can certainly hinder any working.

— Danu’s Daughter