
Sunday, March 13, 2011

God DID NOT Cause the Earthquake!

In the aftermath of Japan's worst crisis since World War II, some have suggested the horrific earthquake and accompanying tsunami were God's wrath.

Let me be clear, as a Wiccan, I reject that and other similar assertions in the strongest terms. To even suggest it was an act of Divine retribution for the attack on Pearl Harbor reflects not only bogus theology, but is really offensive and overtly racist.

The 8.9-9.0 earthquake that struck Japan was a function of the Earth releasing built up energy through a well-known and active trench. We often forget that the Earth is alive, and it takes care of its physical needs just as any other being, by acting to ensure its survival.

There was no angry deity that sent destruction to the Land of the Rising Sun, and its peoples for any reason; political or religious.

It would be just as ridiculous to assign a similar religious personification and motivation to gravity: It simply is; Earthquakes simply occur.

I can honestly feel the Goddess weeping for her people's suffering, eager to draw them into her arms and comfort them with her Love and tenderness. It doesn't matter what faith anyone or any culture follows, the Love of the Cosmic Creator is real!

The other incorrect assertion sweeping the Internet is that the earthquake was caused by a so-called, "supermoon," and the Earth remains in danger.

On March 19, Earth’s satellite will be at its closest point to our planet in 18 years, a mere 356,577 kilometers away. The event — also called a lunar perigee — was dubbed a "supermoon" by astrologer Richard Nolle back in the 1970s. The term is used to describe a new or full moon at 90 percent or more of its closest orbit to Earth. Next week, it will be at 100 percent.

“There have been a lot of studies on whether earthquakes on our planet were triggered when the moon was closest to Earth, and no conclusive evidence has ever been found for that,” said Peter Goldreich, an emeritus professor for the Astronomy and Planetary Science Department at Caltech University. “The idea is that the strain builds up in the Earth until only a small little bit of extra gravitational force could tip it over and cause an earthquake, and this could come from the moon. But there’s been no absolutely no correlation for that.”

In fact, Goldreich said Earth isn’t the one in danger of experiencing some severe shaking.

“There is on the moon seismic activity connected with a lunar perigee,” Goldreich said. “These were detected by seismological instruments left on the moon by the Apollo astronauts. There was an effect, but it wasn’t enormous. But the moon did quake near perigee.”

Let's focus on what's actually happened: According to NASA, the Japanese earthquake was so strong that it sped up the Earth's rotation by 1.6 microseconds! It was also 700 TIMES stronger than the earthquake that leveled Haiti; one nuclear power plant has suffered a partial meltdown, two others are threatened, and adults and children living in those areas may have been exposed to unhealthy levels of radiation. Thousands have died, thousands are missing, and MILLIONS are without food, water, electricity or shelter.

That means that survivors need immediate physical, emotional and spiritual support. As a Wiccan, who is also a Solitary Practitioner, I believe in being religiously pro-active. That means that I have — and will continue — to offer a spiritual ritual in support of Japan's relief.

I have outlined my ritual below, but first, here's a little bit about the Earth as a spiritual element that Wiccans and others who follow a Pagan path generally adhere to, when conducting a magickal ritual. The Earth is connected to the Northern Quarters, and is considered the ultimate feminine element. The Earth is fertile and amazingly stable, associated with the Goddess. The planet itself is a literal sphere of life, and as the Wheel of the Year turns, we watch all of its aspects occur: Birth, life, death, and finally rebirth.

The Earth is nurturing and the foundation of all life, solid and firm, full of endurance and strength. In color correspondences, both green and brown connect to the Earth, for fairly obvious reasons. In Tarot readings, the Earth is related to the suit of Pentacles or Coins.

To perform the following ritual, set up your altar in the tradition way, with two Illuminator candles, but add a red candle to represent Japan. You also might want to place a Tarot Card as described above on the altar, or some other avatar to represent the Earth. You would use this to send respect and healing energy into the avatar.

The actual working is relatively simple. It is a single prayer to be repeated as many times as the practitioner feels is necessary to raise the energy. The energy will be directed and released to join the growing tsunami of Love, Comfort, and Healing that is being sent from practitioners from all faith paths around the world to support Japan.

If you do not have a red candle, simply use a third white candle and visualize Japan when you use it. The equipment is not nearly as important as is the Intent and Love expressed.

The Ritual

Cast a Sacred Circle as you normally would for any rite. Light the Illuminator candles when the Goddess and God are called, but do not light the red candle.

Calling the Eastern Quarters: Spirits of the East; Creatures of Air; I call upon you and invite you to join me tonight. I ask you to share your love and your energy. I pray you will strengthen my inspiration, and bring all of Japan fresh beginnings. I bid you Hail and Welcome.

Calling the Southern Quarters: Spirits of the South; Creatures of Fire; I call upon you and invite you to join me tonight. I ask you to share your love and your energy.I pray you will strengthen my passion and bring all of Japan sacred transformation. I bid you Hail and Welcome.

Calling the Western Quarters: Spirits of the West; Creatures of Water; I call upon you and invite you to join me tonight. I ask you to share your love and your energy. I pray you will strengthen my intuition and bring all of Japan deeper Love. I bid you Hail and Welcome.

Calling the Northern Quarters: Spirits of the North; Creatures of Earth; I call upon you and invite you to join me tonight. I ask you to share your love and your energy. I pray you will strengthen Japan's foundation and bring them your bounty. I bid you Hail and Welcome.

Invoking the Goddess: Holy Goddess, Spinner of the Web of Creation, Mother of all Souls, You who comes to each of us in the way that is best. Through You all of creation is spiritually connected. Through You, all life is sustained. I call upon and beseech You to join me tonight. I pray, bring all of Japan Your Love, Healing, Comfort, Spirituality, and Sustenance now and in the coming times. Strengthen them in Your Love and share Your Comfort and Blessings with all of Japan. With Love and Honor, I bid You Hail and Welcome.

Invoking the God: Holy God, Consort of the Goddess, Lord of the Dance, and Father of Manifestation, You who comes to each of us in the way that is best. Through You all manifestation is connected. I call upon and ask You to join me tonight. I pray, bring all of Japan's peoples Your Vitality, Strength and Experience. Strengthen them with Your Action, Manifestation, and Sacred Transformation. With Love and Honor, I bid You Hail and Welcome.

Invoking the Ancestors: O Mighty Ancestors, Beloved Ones who have gone before. I invoke and call upon you to join me and bring your blessings! Ancestors of the every faith and faithful, Priestesses and Priests, mothers, fathers, daughters, and sons of each lineage of the Spiritual Family that supports and strengthens; I ask you to lend Japan your Inspiration and your Love, Guidance and your Aid this night and in the coming days. Beloved Ancestors, I bid you Hail and Welcome.

The key to this working is to use the power of repetition to raise spiritual energy. Repeat the following prayer as many times as you feel is needed to raise this energy. As you repeat the prayer, envision as clearly as possible colorful images of a beautiful country, a Japan once again with healthy people and happy, laughing children. Truly "see" Japan as a whole, healthy and glorious place. See it very clearly — its people healed.

Great Mother Goddess, You who cares for ALL souls;
Our brothers and sisters in Japan are suffering untold misery and despair!

Their loved ones around the world also suffer with worry for them.
Friends and family are afraid because they cannot contact them, or learn their fate.

As I, and others, gather around the world to pray,
I express my love and concern for all those who suffer.

I call upon You and pray:

Send all of Japan Your Love.
Send all of Japan Your Comfort.
Send all of Japan Your Healing.
Send all of Japan Your Strength.
Send all of the Earth Your Sacred Calm.
Welcome all Souls who have passed over to Gentle Rebirth.

Repeat this prayer and feel the Love of the Goddess until you can sense the literal tingle of energy around you, encompassing your entire magick circle. When you have raised the desired energy, firmly "gather and hold" onto the Love, Healing, and Comfort for Japan in your mind. Then release and direct that spiritual energy out from your body saying a resounding, "This is my intent," sending it into the unlit red candle.

As soon as you have infused the red candle with this sacred power, light it and watch its flame burn for awhile. When you again feel the power rise and fill the candle, gently snuff it out, saying, "Thank you for granting my prayer — Blessed Be," while envisioning all of that contained energy to be directed outward toward its goal, as its smoke disperses.

Take a moment to silently commune with the Goddess and God. When you feel it is time to end the ritual, say the following to release and thank the entities you had called in the opposite order:

Thanking the Ancestors: Beloved Ancestors, You who have gone before, Your wisdom and Your example guide us all. I pray that You will be with Japan and them as they go forward, that they may call upon the strength and knowledge of the past, even as they re-build the future. I thank You for Your presence and Your aid this night, and at all times. May You be Blessed in all things. I offer you my love and respect, and bid You Hail and Farewell.

Thanking the God: Father of Manifestation, Lord of the Dance, Your example inspires us all. I pray that You will be with Japan and aid them as they go forward, that even as the Sun rises at dawn, they too may rise and feel Your light and love. I thank You for Your presence, and Your aid this night, and at all times. I offer you my love and respect, and bid You Hail and Farewell.

Thanking the Goddess: Mother of Souls, Goddess of Love, Comfort, and Healing, Your joy and Your healing enliven us all. I pray that You will be with Japan and them as they go forward, that even as the Moon’s light grows, they too may grow and shine forth as perfect expressions of Your Divine Love. I thank You for Your presence, and Your aid this night, and at all times. I offer you my love and respect, and bid You Hail and Farewell.

Thanking the Northern Quarters: Hail to you, O Spirits of the North, Creatures of the Earth, and our Foundation. I thank you for your presence this night. May there be peace between us, now and always. Stay if you will, go if you must. I bid you Hail and Farewell.

Thanking the Western Quarters: Hail to you, O Spirits of the West, Creatures of the Water, and Love. I thank you for your presence this night. May there be peace between us, now and always. Stay if you will, go if you must. I bid you Hail and Farewell.

Thanking the Southern Quarters: Hail to you, O Spirits of the South, Creatures of the Fire and Spiritual Manifestation. I thank you for your presence this night. May there be peace between us, now and always. Stay if you will, go if you must. I bid you Hail and Farewell.

Thanking the Eastern Quarters: Hail to you, O Spirits of the East, Creatures of the Air and of New Beginnings. I thank you for your presence this night. May there be peace between us, now and always. Stay if you will, go if you must. I bid you Hail and Farewell.

The ritual has ended, so it is time to open the Sacred Circle, by saying:

The circle is now open, but never broken.
Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet again.
Mother, Father and Cosmic Other,
Now and Forevermore,
Tod Estu.

To provide financial relief/humanitarian assistance to the people of Japan or to search for missing relatives, there are numerous organizations to contact. I have included this link. If you plan to donate, just be sure to select one that has a proven track record and doesn't use a large percentage of the collected donations for administrative operating costs.

— Danu's Daughter

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